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High Cholesterol? Take This Daily

Omega 3 fats are essential for health and regulating body function. These essential fats are needed for cellular health, digestion, muscle activity, blood clotting, visual acuity, brain function, heart health and many more functions.  Research studies have shown that by taking fish oil, which is high in omega 3 fats, patients in the study lowered their risk of cardiovascular incidents by 25%.  In the study 4 grams were taking daily.  3-4 grams daily is the optimal dose.  Most people take less.  Another published study found that taking fish oil supplements lowered cholesterol levels better than the cholesterol lower drug Crestor in patients with cardiovascular disease.



A new study published in the peer reviewed journal Chemosphere finds the popular herbicide glyphosate and its formulations exhibit five out of the 10 key characteristics  of carcinogens, or cancer-causing chemicals.  Specifically, glyphosate exhibits strong evidence of genotoxicity, oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, hormonal disruption and disturbs the important gut microbloome (which has been implicated in lymphoma).  Even though organizations like the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) designate glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen and scientific literature supports the findings on these adverse effects purported by glyphosate, the chemical remains on the U.S. market in various formulations.  Glyphosate is the most commonly used active ingredient worldwide, appearing in many weed killer formulas.  The use of this chemical has been increasing since the inception of crops genetically modified to tolerate glyphosate over two decades ago.

The toxic herbicide readily contaminates the environment with residues found in in food and water commodities. In addition to this study, literature proves time and time again that glyphosate has an association with cancer development, as well as human, biotic and environmental harm.


Jersey Tomatoes:   I was recently surfing the web for tidbits of information that I could include in my weekly health tip when I came across a great article on tomatoes.  It turns out that tomatoes were not even eaten in the US until the early 1800s, when an eccentric New Jersey gentleman Colonel Robert Gibbon Johnson brought them back from a trip overseas. It seems Gibbon was a bit of a showman, he announced an amazing display of courage would take place on September 26, 1820. He shocked his hometown of Salem by consuming and entire basket of tomatoes in front of a crowd of spectators, expecting him to keel over any second. Obviously, he didn’t and since then tomatoes have been a staple of the American diet and with good reason. Tomatoes are high in Vitamin C and provide 40% of the RDA. The most important part of the tomato is the lycopene. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that gives the tomato its red color. Lycopene may be as much as twice as powerful as the anti-oxidant Beta-Carotene. Research studies have shown consuming tomatoes to be helpful in the fight against prostate, stomach, endometrial and lung cancer. Lycopene has also been linked to increased activity levels in senior citizens. The brighter the red in the tomato the higher the lycopene. In an unusual turn about as far with cooking vegetables goes, eating most vegetables raw is the way to go, but cooking tomatoes releases even more lycopene. Olive oil with tomatoes increases the lycopene absorption in the body. While nothing beats a fresh, ripe tomato, studies also show that canned and jarred tomato and tomato sauce pack the same nutritional benefit. Personally, a large thick slice of a Jersey Beefsteak tomato with a little cracked black pepper, sea salt and a dripping of olive oil in between two slices of toast, spread with a smattering of mayo is a little bit of heaven on earth. You have to love the Jersey Tomato Sandwich.


High Cholesterol:  One of the most common topics that is discussed in my office on a patient to patient basis, is the topic of high cholesterol levels.  Many people have come to be stating that they take cholesterol lowering medications (statins), yet their cholesterol number and HDL/ LDL ratios do not change. 1 in 4 Americans over the age of 40 is currently taking a statin drug under the illusion that it will decrease their risk for heart disease. Dr. David Diamond is a neuroscientist with a PhD in biology. He's also a Professor of Psychology, Molecular Pharmacology, and Physiology at the University of South Florida and a Research Career Scientist at the Tampa VA Hospital.  He ended up investigating both diet and statins as a result of having to address issues with his own health, and his conclusions are very different from the current status quo in medicine. “Well, the very first paper I looked at indicated that triglycerides are primarily produced from excess carbohydrates, particularly glucose and fructose,' he says.  'And as far as HDL levels, you see an association of low HDL levels in people who have high blood sugar. There was an obvious connection of carbohydrates in the diet to triglycerides and HDL. I was astounded by this. This was the first of many epiphanies I've had while studying cholesterol, diet, and heart disease.  I figured that what I needed to do is not to avoid the fat; I should avoid the carbohydrates! I actually talked to my doctor about this. And of course he said to me, 'Well, you're going to take a bad situation and make it worse, because by going on an Atkins-type diet, you're increasing the likelihood that you'll have heart disease.'  Nevertheless, from a few studies that I read at first – and it has now become a few thousand studies – I've learned of the linkage between carbohydrate consumption, elevated blood sugar, and triglycerides." Counter to his doctor's advice, Dr. Diamond dramatically reduced non-vegetable, processed, starchy carbohydrates.  He substituted the carbs with vegetables, proteins and healthy fats. After stubbornly remaining at nearly 800 for five years, his triglycerides plunged to 150 — without any drugs whatsoever — and his HDL increased dramatically, from 30 to 50.  “Indeed, I've treated many patients with high triglycerides, including people with levels upwards of 1,500-2,000, and I've seen patients' triglyceride levels plunge in as little as five days when cutting out carbs and increasing healthy fat.”   So the really good news about high triglycerides is that you can achieve rapid reversal by changing your diet.  Start a program where you eliminate carbohydrates and sugars and replace them with vegetables, nuts, beans, lean proteins and healthy fats like olive oil, walnut oil, fish oil and coconut oil.

Chiropractic Thought for the Week:  Ancient Egyptians and Greeks knew of the body’s continual striving to heal itself. During the Renaissance, learned men theorized of “vital forces” within the body that helped it resist disease. The “vital force” they spoke of is what chiropractors refer to as the body’s innate intelligence.  Chiropractic is based on a vitalistic philosophy that recognizes that there is an innate intelligence that uses the brain and nerve system to control and maintain the body in health. Interference to the nerve system can lead to a change in health most easily seen as disease or loss of function. But more than that, this interference can affect performance on multiple levels, some easily observed and others more subtle.

Pregnancy Prenatal Chiropractic Information:  Mothers who eat apples and herbs in early pregnancy could be protecting the brain health of their children and grandchildren, a study using genetic models has found. The discovery is part of a project that found a mother's diet can affect not just her child's brain but also those of her grandchildren.  

Fetal movement during pregnancy:   An increase in fetal movement is not typically a cause for concern.  Many people report feeling the fetus move more frequently after 37 weeks. This may be because the fetus is large enough for a pregnant person to feel it move. In a 2019 study,  pregnant people who experienced increased fetal movement had a better outlook and babies with a higher birth weight than those in the control group.  Following chiropractic spinal adjustments, fetal movement may increase.  As a result of improved nerve function and blood flow, many pregnant women report that their baby seems to move more after receiving chiropractic care. This can be a positive sign, as increased movement can be an indicator of a healthy, developing fetus.


Dr J. Zimmerman, Chiropractor Dr. Zimmerman is a practicing chiropractor from Galloway, NJ with 30 years of chiropractic practice.

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