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CoVid-19 and Vitamin D, The Importance of D!


Once again the conversation turns to the importance of vitamin D.  Recent research shows that patients with Covid-19 whose serum vitamin D level was between 20ng/ml and 30ng/ml had a seven times greater risk of dying from the coronavirus then those with vitamin D levels above 30ng/ml.  There was a twelve times higher risk if the D level was below 20ng/ml.  Research also suggests that your risk of developing and dying from CoVid-19 decreases significantly if your D levels are above 30ng/ml.  It is utterly ridiculous to me if you have low D levels and are not taking supplemental D3 for your health, considering the importance and how safe and inexpensive vitamin D is.  In addition, magnesium and vitamin K are needed for D to be effective.  According to the same research, you would need 244% more oral vitamin D without taking magnesium and vitamin K to achieve the same health results.  Please consider having your vitamin D levels measured. If they are low, taking 1000-2000 units a day will not help raise the level.  The magic number is an average of 5000 units per day, some may need more.  It is all based on bodyweight.  35 units of D per pound of bodyweight (*DG) is the ratio for a healthy person’s D3 intake.  More will be needed if you have low levels to get to the acceptable level.
The World Health Organization has again revised its guidelines on wearing masks, saying that masks may reduce a person’s ability to breathe comfortably, especially when exercising, and therefore people should not wear masks when exercising. I call this the “Duh” moment.  Masks become more difficult to breathe through when a person is working out and sweating.  That being said, masks are still very important for cutting down and containing the spread of the virus. Rule of thumb while exercising from W.H.O,  unmasked people should  keep a distance of “at least 1 meter (3.2 feet)” from others while exercising.

Why are diabetics more prone to Covid-19 severity?  It’s the insulin resistance.  Higher blood sugars create insulin resistance.  Immunologic tolerance falls as insulin resistance levels rise.  Controlling blood sugar levels is extremely important during this pandemic and explains why diabetes is listed as a co-morbidy factor for coronavirus patients.

Poor metabolic health is linked to underlying conditions— including diabetes and cardiovascular disease — that create major complications for people fighting coronavirus, confirming the very important link between COVID-19 and nutrition.


Pregnancy and Chiropractic:  Vitamin D is imperative during pregnancy. Please make sure adequate levels are included in the prenatal vitamins. Chiropractor can order lab tests to measure your vitamin D levels during pregnancy. The mother-to-be needs to make sure that she is virus free during pregnancy, for her health and the unborn child.

Dr J. Zimmerman, Chiropractor Dr. Zimmerman is a practicing chiropractor from Galloway, NJ with 30 years of chiropractic practice.

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