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How Cow Farts are Damaging the Environment

According to scientists globally, one of the biggest contributors to climate change is methane gas, 2nd only to carbon dioxide (CO2).  Methane gas comes from two sources, natural and man-made. The man-made methane gas emissions are components of the oil and gas industry. Thus the push for energy alternatives to oil and gas, alternatives like wind and solar energy and electric cars.  The methane gas I am going to discuss today, is the all-natural methane gas.  Some natural Methane gas is released in the environment from decaying vegetation, but by and far the most methane gas released comes from human beginnings. No, I’m not including the passing of gas from our intestinal systems! There is actually very little methane in the passing of human gas.  The biggest natural contributor of methane gas comes  from livestock and farming, the cattle industry.


70% of agricultural methane comes from chemical reactions in the cows stomachs as their digestive system breaks down the plants eaten while grazing.  So, the biggest question is how can a cow fart contribute to global warming and climate change?  One farting cow is not a big deal and damages nothing, other than your nose if you are nearby.  The problem is that there are 1 billion cattle farting around the globe producing methane gas.  1 billion cows is a lot of cows.  Options to combat the production of cow gas included changing what they eat, by giving them a more digestible feed  or adding fat to the diet. These ideas were quickly shot down as this would make the cost of cattle go up considerably, thus affecting meat costs. 


The reason I am discussing this with you is I came across a scientific study that found by supplementing the cows diet with 10 oz of seaweed a day,  methane emissions were reduced by up to 67%. The study found that the biggest hurdle was “commercializing seaweed as a cattle feed additive would involve many steps. First, scientists would need to develop aquaculture techniques for producing seaweed on a large scale, either in the ocean or in tanks on land. And the U.S. Food and Drug Administration would have to approve using seaweed as a feed supplement for commercial cattle,” as stated by the study’s authors.


This brings us back to the logical step for reducing cow produced methane gas.  Eat less meat or go vegetarian.  A very large study published and referred to as “The China Study” found that a vegetarian diet not only had the potential to decrease methane gas production, but found that a vegetarian diet drastically reduced the risk of disease and increased life span. That being said, many people do not want to give up their meat eating ways.  Research has shown that if everyone on the planet cut their personal meat consumption by 50-70 %, we could also reduce methane gas emissions and help the environmental climate change crisis and not to mention your help your own health!!


SMH Department:  Yesterday I was listening to a news segment on CNN where the doctor being interviewed about Covid-19 stated that we need to get everyone vaccinated so that we can reach herd immunity and get our lives back to normal. She than answered other questions and finally concluded her segment by saying, please remember you can still catch and spread Covid-19 once you are vaccinated so keep wearing masks and social distancing. SMH. Contradictions are amazing, do we get herd immunity from the vaccine as she stated or do we not as she stated?  I smacked my head because I do know the answer to that.  The Moderna and Pfizer vaccine were designed to keep people from getting severe cases of the virus and ending up in the hospital, their effect on transmission according to Fauci and all the rest was nill or not understood.  According to the Journal Nature, the vaccines are extremely effective at preventing symptomatic disease, but it is still unclear whether they protect people from becoming infected, or from spreading the virus to others. That poses a problem for herd immunity.  “Herd immunity is only relevant if we have a transmission-blocking vaccine.,” says Shweta Bansal, a mathematical biologist at Georgetown University in Washington DC.  SMH.


Pregnancy and Chiropractic care:  The Webster Technique is a prenatal technique used by pregnancy trained chiropractors to correct potential pelvic alignment issues that can lead to intrauterine constraint. Uterine constraint is a tightening of the round ligaments causing a constriction of space in the uterous.  This constraint hinders the normal movement of the developing baby.  The technique is commonly used in the 8th month of pregnancy, but applications in the earlier months of pregnancy can relieve stress below the pregnant women’s abdomen where the round ligaments support the uterous and baby thus offering relief from lower abdominal discomfort. According to a study published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine (coincidently, an oxymoron since chiropractic does not involve medicine). Chiropractors reported that they found that 92% of cases using Webster’s technique resulted in resolution of the breech position. This was good news since 3-5% of all pregnancies have babies in the breech position and if left uncorrected, many of these pregnancies will require cesarean delivery.

The chiropractor's main purpose in breech positioned babies is to balance the pelvis and corresponding muscles and ligaments, reducing stress on the soft tissue which removes the uterine constraint, allowing the baby to move into the correct head down positions. The chiropractor does not attempt to change the position of the fetus, as is done with the medical procedure.  The chiropractor only attempts to correct pelvic misalignment and perform soft tissue pressure on the round ligament which can be a cause of intrauterine constraint.  This is one of the many reasons why chiropractic is an extremely important part of the prenatal obstetric team.


Covid-19 Vaccination information:  As part of informed consent for your personal information here is the latest reported events from the CDC vaccine adverse reaction reporting system (via their website) to help you make your own health care decision concerning the vaccination.
As of 3/28/21,  Over 1 hundred million people have been given at least one dose of the vaccine and at lease 2.5 million people a day are now getting vaccinated.  Adverse reactions total 44,464 (Of the 44,464 reported events, common reactions such as arm soreness and swelling, fatigue, fever, body aches and headache are included. Also included are the more severe reactions such as anaphylaxis (354 reported cases).  The most common reactions are chills (over 7260 cases), headache (9819 cases), shortness of breath (4,890 cases), nausea (over 5762 cases).  Also, 1128 people contracted the covid-19 virus after receiving the vaccine.  In addition, it has also been reported on the CDC web page that 1627 people have died after receiving the vaccine. Deaths have been averaging 200-300 deaths per week since the vaccines have started.


Here is a link to the CDC Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting System.  You can look up any and all symptoms associated with the Covid-19 vaccine.  Or any vaccine.


1st, scroll to bottom of page and click on the “I agree” tab.

2nd, then scroll back to top and click on VAERS Data Search

3rd, scroll down to the vaccine products box and search for Covid-19 and select it by clicking on it.

4th, scroll down to bottom of page and click send.

This will bring you to the Covid-19 page.





Dr J. Zimmerman, Chiropractor Dr. Zimmerman is a practicing chiropractor from Galloway, NJ with 30 years of chiropractic practice.

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