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Chiropractor discusses exercise

As most of us know, regular exercise is essential for improving and maintaining overall health. Regular exercise not only helps you to maintain or lose bodyweight, exercise is extremely important for enhancing the performance of all of your bodily systems. For instance, exercise helps to regulate blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Exercise increases the body's metabolism, immune system capabilities, cardiovascular function and bone density. In addition, exercise has a positive effect on a person's mental outlook. The body produces certain hormones during exercise that elevate mood and emotional well being. Not to mention that exercise is the perfect way to reduce the negative effects of stress.  According to Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, Chief Exercise Physiologist of the American Council on Exercise, one of the best times to exercise is first thing in the morning. "Starting your morning with physical activity, you set the day's pace," Bryant says. "Morning exercisers tend to stick with their exercise habit," he says. "By doing the bulk of exercise first thing in the morning, you get your exercise in before other distractions can intrude. We can all relate to that because once the day gets going, it's hard to get off the treadmill called life." Exercise in the morning has a profound effect on the body's metabolism. Studies show that the body will continue to burn an excess of calories hours after the exercise session, promoting further weight loss. Often the biggest concern among people who do not exercise is that they have too much to do in the morning before getting out the door. They feel they don't have time to fit in an exercise session. The solution to that problem is to wake up 30-40 minutes earlier, just for the exercise routine. Get out of bed, freshen-up and exercise. The first few sessions may be tough, and you will be more tired at the end of the day, but guess what? You'll sleep better through the night and may even end up going to bed a little earlier. A little more quality sleep, coupled with your new exercise routine can only mean one thing...a healthier, happier life!

Breaking News:  Recent reporting on NBC Nightly News suggests that exercising for as little as 5 minutes (That's right, I said 5 minutes!) at least two times a week can lower your risk of heart attack or stroke by 45%!!! 

Thought for the Day: Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness. ~Edward Stanley

Chiropractor's Thought for the Week: Chiropractic is a philosophy of health care that concentrates on helping the body function the way it was designed. What do I mean by that? Consider how many times in your life you had to REMIND your body to breathe, pump blood or digest food. These functions of life happen automatically. Quite frankly, when the body works well, it works VERY well! However, the realities of life give us certain circumstances that interfere with the normal functioning of our bodies. Since the brain and nervous system control body functions, Chiropractic focuses on maintaining the health of your nerves, organs and connective tissue (muscles, tendons, and ligaments) so that the body can continue to operate normally. Emphasis is given to the body's ability to heal itself. Chiropractors adjust the spine to improve function and performance in the body.  Think of the chiropractor as a body mechanic! ~ 

My name is Dr. J. Zimmerman and I am a chiropractor.  I have been in practice for 27 years.  My chiropractic practice uses many different chiropractic techniques to improve bodily function and restore health. My chiropractic office is located in Galloway Township (the Smithville section) of Atlantic County, NJ.  You can contact me for more chiropractic information at Health First Chiropractic Clinics,  609-652-6363

Dr J. Zimmerman, Chiropractor Dr. Zimmerman is a practicing chiropractor from Galloway, NJ with 30 years of chiropractic practice.

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